Saturday, October 29, 2011

   I've known that both of you smoke marijuana since I started dating Justine, but something happened recently that you should probably know about - your youngest son knows you smoke weed now - Justine and I came home from doing something on like a Thursday night and we were in the kitchen after Justine said goodnight to you two, then Jake asked Justine if she smelled marijuana and Justine said yeah she smelled marijuana in your room...
It's illegal... I don't do anything illegal...

 - Jeffrey
I don't like how Justine's parents are treating me- every time I see them they act especially conscious to make a point out of acting suspicious to see if I'm drunk... I've only gotten intoxicated at their house once, and that was months ago, but seeing as how their daughter was injured by a drunk-driver I guess they have a reason... however both of them smoke lots of marijuana, and so I'll always think of them as addicted burnout stoners...
Justine's crazy step-dad said he would "chant for my happiness" lol he smokes a lot of weed and chants to Buddha... seriously
A housewife I know has been abused by her alcoholic ex-husband , was once a stripper , and abuses drugs - WHO AM I TALKING ABOUT ???
    • Jeffrey Marquis There's a video of her having anal sex and her husband suffers from depression that he alleviates with marijuana - WHO AM I TALKING ABOUT ???
      19 hours ago ·
    • Jeffrey Marquis she has three children !!!
      19 hours ago ·
    • Jeffrey Marquis WHO AM I TALKING ABOUT ???

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Proactiv Solution

What better way to get your skin clear
than to adopt the method of cleansing
that so many youths have paired with?

Sign up for a Proactiv Solution !!!
maybe look for the machines at the mall
or call the 1-800 number,
they deliver it to your house when you need it

It comes in a 3-step system that'll get your skin clear
my dear,
so won't you use the Proactiv System ???

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'll Miss the Orgasms...

I'll miss having orgasms when I die. It's really the best part of being alive. But I have the feeling that Heaven will be like one *continuous* orgasm in and of itself, like that's the feeling it will give you. It's THE BEST FEELING and it's part of creating life - how perfect !!! It'd make sense that God would pair the amazing-ness of sex with the necessity of creating endless generations of all living things, right ??

When I die, I'll miss the Orgasms...