Thursday, June 28, 2012

6 - 28




Saturday, June 23, 2012

6 - 23

It's not my fault if Andy Gleick called up Charter to see what websites I've visited recently, and it's not my fault if he somehow got the password to an internet forum I used, and it's not my fault if he thought that a joke I made was the truth !!!



6 - 22

The people who were offended by my 2002 internet postings really had no right to see them since they were PRIVATE -- they were posted on a PRIVATE forum that only several individuals (who I didn't know in real life) were able to read...

All I've done is make fun of Andy Gleick and Alex Kozlov on a PRIVATE website, and they found out about it without my permission -- and when I wasn't able to explain that I was just kidding -- so now they've been threatening my parents and screwing with - slash- stealing my possessions...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New website I will open...

I'm going to start a new website at and it will at first be about how "All I've done is post false information on a private bulletin board for the sake of comedy" in previous years, that people are now mad at me about... harassing me and getting into my house threatening my parents and going on my computers...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6 - 20

Alex Kozlov all you can do is sit there all night - being fat - and reset my router or click elsewhere on my screen with your remote desktop on my previously-installed Macintosh... I laugh at you you druggie Alex Kozlov the druggie...
 Alex Kozlov = gay sex ... I remember driving you home the morning after you recieved gay sex from Mr. Deedy...
All my friends made fun of me for being there while two gay guys had sex in a different room...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012



I guess my parents are fairly sure I will recieve no punishment because all I've done is post false information on a private bulletin board for the sake of comedy... =)

I'm missing two USB keychains and 3 mp3 players from my room since my parents let Andy Gleick and Alex Kozlov come in and try to screw me over, for stuff I falsely posted about them on an O&A bulletin board 9 years ago - my parents are letting people steal stuff from me in fear of them taking me to court - I think it will come to that - and I've asked my mom to talk to my lawyer today and she said okay...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Two individuals are screwing with my laptops

I just had ro reinstall my Dell, which erased all my poetry, because Andy Gleick and Alex Kozlov (who I told Susan Langlois about tonight...) installed a virus on it...
Either Andy Gleick or Alex Kozlov just installed a virus on my Dell - which was already TAPPED - and so I had to pay $80 to possibly have it fixed...

Andy's mad at me because I made a joke about falsely raping his daughter when she was an INFANT !!!
Alex is mad at me because he allowed an older man to have sex with him every day for approximately a month...

I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG !!!!!! stop fucking with me !!!

ps - whoever caused my car-accident will surely burn in hell... (not me!!!)

Monday, June 11, 2012

I have nothing to do with any RAPING of people... it was just a joke !!!

I have nothing to do with any RAPING of people, as I've said before many times... it was just a joke !!!
Andy Gleick and Alex Kozlov IT WAS JUST A JOKE !!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh Here We Go .

People peers you reading this the fans of yours truly please believe me and listen to this declaration of mine of my own unknown intentions when I tell you shout at you aware you let you know about this trivial little factoid central to my daily-living for the time being


No Ford to fire up
and no lady to fffffff ¹ (oh you wait for that footnote you. . . )

eeeeee the detachment from all that I lived for on Saturday nights in barroom doorways with musty Marlboro smoke silently sifting arising and drifting through the dry cigarette air evaporating into malignant nothingness along eightball poolcues dissolving like my separation from capital city streets and redlights no now Stop and green so Go with highway markers trailing on and on and on to distances framed from fading faint memories reminding me of the aforementioned moments in time never to be seen again and only recalled through shards of reminiscence

God I need something else something just not this here because what we have at hand yeah this right now it isn't doing it for me not cooperating in the least no no not for what I need in my day requiring an innovative variable at this second demanding a fresh vim of vibrant vivacity now begging you please Lord please grant me sacred solace with carkeys jingling and clicking into idle ignitions sparking solenoids starting starter engines with cylinders cycling and DOHC pistons revving to peak redline arr-pee-ems

not disgraceful filth posted here offending powerful parents and shocking social counterparts beforehand of my not knowing enough to cut the slimy nonsense of smiling a shiny grin with those sparkling white teeth glimmering so glossy gleaming steeply luminous with blinding bright light and my understanding that jaws are dropping with all of your attention on me the self-touted "man" ;
unearthing this exciting propensity for interior ecstasy with our serotonin synapses pumping and strumming heartstrings flowing through aortas all the while humming a humble hum of subterranean depth ;
within the margins of a tumultuous wavelength lingering at atmospheric peaks and shimmying beneath the most humble lows whilst along the lines of precious relationships—wait no no no with most MOST MOST associations to my acquaintances who read my bragging and may very well roll their eyes thinking "Oh yeah okay buddy sure whatever you say pal right-right-right. . . " ;
after damaging valuable dealings with many friends through overconfidence running rampant and flexing a colossal bicep saying "Oh who's the weak one now you pussies you ?? " saying –no proclaiming "Look at you and look at me. . . " ;
and with my swathing in the excessive pride of being so strong embodying a powerful body potentially blasting on whoever provokes me just a tad bit too much whenever and wherever I go—albeit after having laid in a hospital bed while wed to a stomach tube or being confined to –literally locked in to a wheelchair with no authorization to stand up on my own two legs for those three-and-a-half months away from home—now knowing I can kick so many asses when I'll likely never-ever not even ever once even ever need to test that conviction while I'm here.

What I'm doing must end
It's not working
For the second time I've crashed !!

Most of what you've read here by now has been the product of my traumatic brain avalanche and its physiotherapy with me myself in my own life of Jeffrey Marquis who's felt maybe a little too commanding for all of the wrong reasons and taking clips out of the big picture to make others feel inept with what wonderous wonders of what I do well. And I've attached shock-value to something in my own name speaking from my spirited soul coming through my crazed cranium available for anyone and everyone to embrace from the comfort of his or her or their own home sweet home with my click click click love of elegant language budding yet leaving me unsure of where to go next with this whimsical wording and taking it with me forever wherever I go in this life I love

I apologize to those who I've offended. Sorry sorry and sorry. The repentant and remorseful remarks expressed here are not merely pithy poppycock public statements but something else I assure you emanating from the protracted reflection upon previous judgment and withdrawn verdicts derived through meditation deliberation and notion

I've renounced my principle of judging so many after gaining a better understanding of our social society and cultural civilization. Go buy Brand Names separate from your body with bubbling and bouncing ladies smiling as you pay the cashier for your paid purchases

There You Go


¹ : lock lips with

"Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you , not anymore ." — Saw

As per my abolishment of all picture-tube screen-staring I've only seen bits 'n' pieces of the horror flick—yet this line jumped out at me SCREAMING, Jeff that rings a perfect note of truth since your accident !!

Look at me.  My hobbies.  This.  Not watching television.  Not reading about shit to buy.

When the police officers and paramedics who arrived at the scene of my crash didn't think I would make it ;
when local Ministers prayed over me expecting I'd never make it past baby food ;
and when I've cut out the shit hobbies (Cars, Brand Names, Etc. ) to instead offer my SOUL for any who care to listen ,

do you think I take my time for granted ??

I almost lost everything .
I was so close to gone .

Trust me , you cannot imagine what my life FEELS like. The sensation of a bright fate and destiny to meet with providence strums my heartstrings to the tune of a harpsichord. An awareness of the aspirations I must achieve runs rich in my arteries. Now getting personal on you , every so often an overwhelming extrasensory commotion lurks amid my soul with a message of Oh it's all going down baby !!

Your time is up on planet Earth !!
It's all over !!
It's all going down to Chinatown !!

—but then it recedes down to a peaceful tranquility and I feel only the warmth of the sun on my skin with ideals still present in my mind offering solace, reminding me I DO hold a promising future of gathering more fans—YES FANS—people who take fuck minutes out of their day to see what I think—strangers who communicate Jeffrey I like your stuff !!

And not to mention making my body wow-wow-wow powerful and even more po-po-po potent during the next couple years while I continue to grow in size and strength !! ain't thatta right I'm planning on sum Arnold Schwarzenegger shit with my corporeal self being squeaky clean and tested free of chemicals and steroids , with more than enough oomph offered and stealing ladies' attention when my aura of authority causes boyfriends everywhere to clam up .

"This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."

I know EXACTLY what that means !!  People do you remember when I emerged from the hospital and then said everything felt new again ?? " Second-Firsts " I shared that with you back in early 2005. Even the uncomfortable (i.e. freezing temperatures since all I knew was the stoic room-temperature of the hospital. . . ) felt like miracles to me. I hadn't stayed out late or burned my hand on the stove. Or this. Or that. Or fruitfully danced the five-digit disco !!

The sun is setting. And the clock is ticking.
And I'm not wasting my time. That's for damn sure.
Oh wow this is really taking me back. . .

I'm positive many of you feel pity for the bruised Me and wonder "How is he able to go through life in such unflattering condition and smile about it ?? " Yeah and if that's the case FUCK YOU   BUT. . .

It's precisely the reason why I care nothing about Ferrari and instead wish to live a life doing something, this right here creating a lot inventing numerous eternal artifacts which hold relevance to our American lifestyle present for any to enjoy free of cost and so I may possess works of art to showcase while improving this forte. Not to mention transforming my body into something envied and speaking volumes of my perseverance through remaining resolute when faced with a HEAD-FUCK of traumatic proportions.

Do you remember how I'd announce my disgust with status-y items when I returned from Fairlawn ?? well it's STILL the case and I have "perspective" to thank. Yes evidently I'm not perceiving life in the same demeanor as you are (oh I call it Enlightenment. . . ) since I've adopted a transience liberated from Armani and instead with concern for my physical naked self aided by costless exercise and the internal desire of tuning solid muscle which I take with me WHEREVER I GO.

My powerful body allows me to feel powerful because it makes me powerful.

"Most people are so ungrateful to be alive.
But not you , not anymore ."

Ask me about my Near-Death Experience !!

People this is what I do with my spare time for fun. I may anticipate well over 100 persons reading whatever I post on my bulletin board within a week. Weeeee. And I'll expect several hundred individuals to skim down the front-page each month. Eeeeee. The lot of you haven't read a goddamn novel for kicks since childhood—yet you'll peruse my text and check on me through words recurrently like a compulsive addiction—now don't you think it's rather special that I've gathered so much interest while resurrecting a dead hobby ?? and bringing to life this variable aptitude in the process ?? Christ I've seen how MOST OF YOU WRITE LIKE GODDAMN RETARDS wow I have no idea what was taught in your English Composition classes. None of my friends send me email !!

People convey shock when I demonstrate rare morsels of tight vocabulary , "What did he just say ?? " So here's me begging you please when someone asks who your favorite author is announce, "Jeffrey Marquis he's just amateur but he's got some great stuff." And you must keep in mind I've only taken THREE English classes since my storybook awakening !! thus I've mastered this textual expression through approximately one-thousand pages sketched in leisure hours for my own gratification !! and all the while taking extreme contentment in this flexible propensity that you have no hope of impersonating.

Ask me what I did today and I'll hand you a small stack of single-space pages conveying brilliance.

You guys I just Failed my second Spanish I exam—with the first Flunk there to say Stay the fuck away from Me-hi-co—but I'm ACEing a Poetry II. And I got a B+ in a Creative Writing that would have been a dense A if I'd embraced the professor's counsel and resubmitted a manuscript of conversational dialogue he didn't ask for.   Shit.   And maybe I could smile that he isn't around any longer because our convergence in the hallway would result in a sick stomach—though perchance it would've been a good thing for word to have circulated around the English Department of a boy who shows such latent talent and oh-la-la creativity.

Amigos I cannot deal with the memorization of syntax from a new language without a source of translation in hand to offer designation—or frankly the BORING data found in History books shaping no consequence to my purposes—yes I've Failed two F'ing classes this latest Woo State semester.

Although the assorted factoids of our culture found in a successful a Communications colloquium intrigue me ;
any guidelines for healthy living with interest in the body and wellness rocks my socks , tickles my dick , etc. etc. ;

and knowledge important to the human race with each personality viewed only as an entity here to experience everything God gave us , it's what I consider important.

That's all I see as relevant .
Blab on about the Stock Market , I don't care , I don't need to
Call me dumb
I do okay without it.
Comrades I sit here with this vigor of communing through my own organized facts and feelings to any figures who care to listen.
Can't you assess my sincerity when I tell you I wish to be a writer ??
Seeing as that I've crashed 'n' burned with two of my lecture-learnin' divisions don't you support my priority of developing into a qualified dramatist ??
Do you remember when I saw the light and picked up the LIFE-LONG GOAL of completing a full novel while I'm breathing ??
I sat up in my bedroom during the refractory hours of my masturbatory habit and pouring myself onto pages when I had the Calling.

Something I'll do before I'm gone forever .
An objet d'art speaking of myself eternally. .
Relics and Remains from the life of Jeffrey Marquis .

I express a lack of veneration at those who " CREATE " not a thing from personal passion or speaking from the psyche. I admire design.
Conception.  Invention.  Inspiration.  Formation from contemplation.  A lot from scratch.  Something tangible out of not-anything.
This is it .

Did you know I speak with God each and every single night as I catch a few 'z' s on a comfy bed with this splendid existence ??

You could view this as bragging but I'm telling you this zest I embody, inherently promoting self-applause and confidence , is exactly that—a realization I'm capable of so much—even with a permanent limp and goofy eyesight—so don't you dare rain on my parade or serve as a wet blanket when I announce :


Jeffrey Marquis
c. 2007

Harping about Goodness .

Looking towards the stars in the sky on a celestial evening it is shown : universes upon universes in a continuous loop of being are available to those who subsist—along any location of the cosmos—so we may progress onward with a metered pattern for the approach of our ultimate death , yes it's true: we must come to terms with our coming evaporation.  After what I've been through it's quite apparent. . . 

Break it up.
Examine each shred of existence.

No matter how small—even with ATOMS !!!—interaction is crucial . Relations and intimacy with one another is an essential precept in development. Opposites attract , look no further than X and Y.  Oh yeah baby yeah let's interface, Come on we'll proliferate the human genome —IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN !!

What do you think the first speck of Life felt ? – minimalistic-ly a need to fondle against one another ?   i.e. attraction ? that male-female magnetism with desirability to thank for Evolution. A mother looks at her husband and child with an intimate awareness of their bond while it will continue until the end of Time.  Love and Affection.  Kissing and Cuddling.  Touching and Stroking.   Licking and ummmm. . .  Nature for example : there's a lotta rubbin' goin' on !!  Procreation , Sexual Confidence , etc. etc.

Or—on the Holy side of piousness and celibacy—how do you feel about the societal pressure to read about an man FROM A LONG TIME AGO named Jesus ?  Ohhhh the diehard Catholic girl in the audience cringes a little !! I'm sorry but my near death experience goes so far for me in terms of "perspective" when I roll my eyes at the many who think Hymn songs will result in a spiritual polishing. There I express displeasure in what I've seen with the church, now, compared to then: before my Traumatic Car Experience, 3/15 Glasgow Coma Scale which has resulted in a Spiritual Extra-Sensory Enlightenment .

Note: after what I've been through this is clear: religion fits differently to the meaning of "good" .
Not judging.
I'm Just saying.

And I encourage you classmates on the brink of the business world to lead valiant lives with sufficient shares of Good. Hard. Work. Mmmmm with Mothers and Fathers raising their children right. . .  Exertion in the sense of spirituality and advancement : meaning the figures who've risen in culture are the commanders of authority looking out for the common man .  I admonish and reprimand the one who fails to grow professionally with too much drinking in his or her life .

who I once was. . . DUN DUN DUN

Jeffrey Marquis
c. 2007