Lesbian Touchy Feely Hotness, I'm easy to please
the particulars of that "feeling" though- they make me excited
but I'm saying what doesn't- these days when I'm a prepubescent boy
looking at the female feminine world so lavishly, with thoughts of licking it
with any luck
and luck is what it will take at this occasion of a pot supper for the sexes
Sexy Sex- furvishly, no FEVERISHLY
rapidly and panting, oh here it comes
"Furvishly" is that a word??
Sweaty sweaty sex with a lot of sweating,
and two bodies rubbing together so rightly,
and so tightly
Fucking. Yeah Straight-Fucking...
Having sex, you have what you have, but is that all??
And Panting, with those panties gone
(but nowadays it's just thongs anyways...)